Have a dictionary handy to play
This app is pretty typical of a product created by someone who is out of touch with the intended user. The language used to explain the moves is unclear and obtuse….kinda like those words are. Tells you something, but not much, really. I set my ten-year-old alone with the app and let him start learning the moves. He was able to follow the lessons (good job by the developers). However, he didnt understand what the move was supposed to accomplish. Why use "equilibrium" when "balance" is clear and known to all ages. Why use the term "legal" move. Wouldnt "allowed" suffice? What is really meant by "beneficial capture"? In fact, isnt any move which results in some gain "beneficial"? I do understand that the process of learning the game includes the use of the language or lingo. However, I also understand that the game is pretty much a universal game and not something exclusive to english-speaking people. The developers remind me of the experience of driving a nice BMW. I dont need to practice my skills in deutsch to drive the car. I need to be taught how to use the car properly and when words get in the way of that, I have a less valuable experience. I would suggest buyers of chess instruction apps consider this particular one for older and better educated persons (at least in language skills)
Ol Mike about
Chess Academy for Kids by Geek Kids